Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blogging Conference

There will be an important Blogging Conference that will be held July 14-16th, in New Jersey. There will not be an admission fee, but the information that will be learned there will be invaluable. I will be posting more information about this Conference, as the time gets closer!

Monday, February 27, 2006


I know that everyone is probably already familiar with http://Wikipedia.org, but I would advise my progressively-minded readers to dig deeper into this valuable resource.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sands of Time

Lives of Great Men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Jefferson/Jackson Dinner

It has come to my attention that some people think that I should mention the price of the Jefferson/Jackson Dinner that will be held in Washington County, Utah. The price for a ticket is $35. This includes Prime Rib with all the trimmings, Speeches, and Entertainment as well. Although this Dinner is primarily for Southern Utah Democratic Activists, there is no reason that others can't attend. However since we are limited to 400 seats, I recommend that people buy their tickets soon!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Europe seems to be an interesting place. A fellow (David Irving) will spend a minimum two years in jail for denying that The Holocaust happened, but when Religious Cartoons result in the death and injury of numerous people, that is called Freedom of Expression.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Good News

Here in Washington County, Utah we are going to have a big Jefferson/Jackson Dinner, on April 28th. This will be the night before the Democratic County Convention. We are still putting all the details together, but we do know that we will be having our Prime Rib Dinner in The Garden Room, at the Dixie Center. We will only be able to host 400 People at the Dinner, so I know I will be buying my ticket early!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


I often access the Internet, via the Public Library. So I probably notice something that many people who have their own computer, never do. Many Public Libraries have filtered the Internet beyond the realm of Common Sense. It is not my intention to shock my Fellow Library Patrons with what I view on the Internet. However, when I have to get Library Personel to help me over-ride the filters, so that I can search for "Paul Goodman" on the Internet, I think the concept of filtering has been taken beyond what is reasonable.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Here is a Religious Link that deserves a visit: http://mysticmontage.blogspot.com. Also here is a Political Blog that started about the same time as mine: http://nebraskanliberation.blogspot.com. Although I have previously made a link to Nebraskan, it was quite awhile ago, and I am embarrased to admit that I have fallen behind in reading his Blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pamela Willeford

Who is this Pamela Willeford? Until today, I didn't know she was the Ambassador of Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Now it turns out that she was on this fake hunting expedition also. Some people are speculating that she may have had a Romantic Relationship with the Vice-President. I will let inquiring minds do the research on that. What troubles me however, is why didn't the Vice-President pay the $7 for a hunting tag? Which leads me to ask another question. When Arnold Schwarzenhager got into a Motorcycle Accident, why didn't he have a Motorcycle Endorsement? It seems there is a separate form of Justice for Republican Officials!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

John Brown's Speech

Unfortunately John Brown's Speech: http://education.ucdavis.edu/new/stc/lesson/socstud/railroad/benet.htm is as relevant today, as it was in 1859.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Fake Hunting

It seems the Vice President can't even hunt like a normal person. He goes hunting for quail that are domesticated animals. He also is in such poor health that he has to have an ambulance stationed nearby, in case he has another Heart-Attack. He only goes hunting with Fellow Multi-Millionaires. He is so incompetent that he shoots another person, instead of a bird. He doesn't even have the proper Hunting Tags, in order to go hunting in Texas. He hides the hunting accident for 18 hours, untill someone else breaks the story. The Secret Service prevents Local Officials from investigating the incident. Can you imagine what would have happened if Al Gore had done something like this?

Now for something completely different. I would like my readers to tell me what they think of John Brown? Yes, the John Brown who tried to help free the Slaves, prior to the Civil War?

Although I still use Blogger, I have stopped using the Google Search Engine. It looks like others are becoming disenchanted with Google: http://noluv4google.com/article.php?list=type&type=92.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spiritual Longing

I believe there is a Spiritual Longing in the World. There is something that people are searching for, and they can't quite put their finger on it. Sometimes this noble impulse is distorted by those who are able to persuade people to things that are wrong, and sometime downright Evil.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Media Reform

Here is some useful information for those who are interested in Media Reform: http://FreeRadio.org.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Rocky Anderson

For those who don't know who Rocky Anderson is, he happens to be the Mayor of Salt Lake City. Although I live 300 miles from Salt Lake City, his Political Influence is felt even out here. This might surprise some people, but Salt Lake City is one of the 100 most Liberal Cities in the Country! Rocky Anderson even had the guts to lead a protest against President Bush, when Mr. Bush visited Utah! That is why I wanted to let everyone know about Rocky

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Have you ever wanted your very own Radio Station? It just might be more feasible than you think. Here is a site that will provide more information, and in some cases even assistance: http://PrometheusRadio.org.

Have you ever wondered Who actually owns whom, in the Mainstream Media? Here is some very detailed information: http://CJR.org/tools/owners.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

American Soldiers

When I read the Newspaper in the morning, usually one of the first topics that I turn to is the information/propaganda about the turmoil in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although I am not a Pacifist, I am deeply concerned about the intentions of our Commander in Chief. There are times when War is justified, but I am sickened by the Powerful Cabal that has misused our Military. Another thing that troubles me, is the Propaganda Machine (i.e. The Mainstream Media) that enables this attempt at Empire Building to continue. Let those of us who are opposed to this unjust use of force, being carried out by our Government, resolve to redouble our efforts to bring sanity back to America!

Here are some facts about what is actually happening in Iraq and Afghanistan: http://icasualties.org.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I hope my gut instincts are wrong, but I have a feeling that an artificially contrived crisis is brewing. I sincerely believe that unless the American People can shake off the shackles of Mainstream Media Propaganda, that American Soldiers will be sent to fight in Iran.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Glenn Greenwald

I have been having some trouble accessing this blog, but if you can get through on this link: glenngreenwald.blogspot.com there is important information on the Alberto Gonzales Hearings.

Alberto Gonzales

Alberto Gonzales has got to go! Here is a fellow who should never have been confirmed Attorney General in the first place, and he conducts himself as if he and the President are above the Law!

Here is a good website for Liberals to keep on top of the technology that we are going to need, if we are going to beat the Conservative Noise Machine: TechnologyReview.com

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Today has been a relaxing day. I discussed some Bahai Principles with some members of that faith, and after that did some organizing on my storage space. Some people say that if you eliminate clutter, that you have more energy. Since I have begun to reduce my clutter, I do feel a little better.

I am probably the only one in America who hasn't been watching the Super Bowl. After I finish blogging I will check the score.

I have been feeling especially Conscious of the the Environment the last few weeks. Maybe it is because the weather has been so beautiful here in Southern Utah.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

More Difficulties

Blogger is acting up again. The only way I can access my own blog is through blogger itself, and even then I can only view the editing section. Very Strange!

Technical Difficulties

I had technical difficulties with Blogger yesterday, so I lost my post. Hopefully today will go better!

I was playing Chess until midnight at the St.George Chess Center. Tuesday and Friday Nights are my Chess Nights.

I was looking at Pete Ashdown's Wiki, or Website, or whatever it is. For those who don't know who Pete is, he is running for the Senate against Orin Hatch. He said some vandals stole his 80 year old Fathers Campaign Sign, off the top of his car. Why doesn't that surprise me?

Friday, February 03, 2006


I was visiting a blog today, when I came across a post about Cindy Sheehan. My automatic assumption was that the people in that particular blog would be praising Mrs. Sheehan, for standing up for her convictions. Instead it was a petty discussion over whether Mrs. Sheehan had proper fashion sense. 2245+ American Soldiers are killed, and people are debating Fashion Sense! Sometimes I worry about My Country, when I see such nonsense on the Internet!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


My speech in Toastmasters went well yesterday. The title of my speech was "Make the Butterflies fly in formation." The speech was about dealing with nervousness when speaking in Public. I was supposed to speak for 5-7 minutes. No-one timed me, so I just tried to estimate the amout of time I was speaking, since I felt it would be wrong to continually be looking at my watch.

I am still in amazement that Cindy Sheehan was arrested for wearing a T-Shirt! I guess when you are persona non grata with the Bush Administration, that is considered to be a crime.

Some people are wondering why Google's stock went down. However, God revealed to me that he/she/it is punishing Google for allowing Censorship in China. I no longer use the Google Search Engine, and will stop using Google controlled Blogger, unless Google gets there act together!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


T-Shirts seem to be powerful merchandise these days. Just ask Cindy Sheehan who was arrested http://truthout.org/docs_2006/020106Z.shtml for wearing one! For those who aren't afraid of protesting against tyranny, please contact me for a Social Justice Coalition T-Shirt. I will be producing and mailing them at cost.

For those who don't think that any Progressive People live inside the State of Utah, here is your chance to think outside the box: http://democratsofsouthernutah.org, http://utdemocrats.org.

If you loathe Senator Orin Hatch, here is your chance to contribute to his downfall http://pashdown.org.

Tonight I am going to give a speech in Toastmasters. It will be an Advanced Level Speech from the Public Relations Manual.