Monday, February 13, 2006

Fake Hunting

It seems the Vice President can't even hunt like a normal person. He goes hunting for quail that are domesticated animals. He also is in such poor health that he has to have an ambulance stationed nearby, in case he has another Heart-Attack. He only goes hunting with Fellow Multi-Millionaires. He is so incompetent that he shoots another person, instead of a bird. He doesn't even have the proper Hunting Tags, in order to go hunting in Texas. He hides the hunting accident for 18 hours, untill someone else breaks the story. The Secret Service prevents Local Officials from investigating the incident. Can you imagine what would have happened if Al Gore had done something like this?

Now for something completely different. I would like my readers to tell me what they think of John Brown? Yes, the John Brown who tried to help free the Slaves, prior to the Civil War?

Although I still use Blogger, I have stopped using the Google Search Engine. It looks like others are becoming disenchanted with Google:


Granny said...

Harpers Ferry etc. I'd have to go back and do a little research. It's been a little while.

I taught the girls part of the song when they were learning a little about the struggle for freedom.

I just added you to bloglines and we'll try to get you on the blogroll if you're not already there. I've fallen a little behind.

Kris said...

I asked this question because I came across an interesting Book Review in The Nation(Magazine) about John Brown. I don't remember the exact date of the Magazine, but it might have been April 23rd, 2005. I need to do more research, but I have always been fascinated by his Courage!