Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but I was having technical difficulties with my blog.

Yesterday evening I was watching the trial of Saddam Hussein on C-SPAN. Can you say Kangaroo Court? It was obvious that the Presiding Judge had a very cynical attitude about the whole trial. He was even extremely rude, and abrupt when he spoke with Ramsey Clark. Of course my local newspaper: http://thespectrum.com, didn't have any articles that adequately covered the sham trial that I witnessed on C-SPAN.

The Conservative Talk Radio Personalities are still beating the Dead Horse, they refer to as the War on Christmas. I suppose if they ever stopped raising false issues, they might have to deal with serious things like Republican Money Laundering, How rendition differs from torture, what are the details regarding secret CIA Dungeons, and how does Predatory Lending Practices benefit the American Economy?

Here are some interesting websites for my readers: http://Billmon.org/, http://Thismodernworld.com/.

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