Sunday, December 11, 2005


Yesterday I went to see Chronicles of Narnia. The Movie was quite good. I had previously seen TV Versions that were good also. I must admit that I never finished reading any of the Narnia Books, although I have read other books by C.S. Lewis.

One of my Russian Friends e-mailed me something interesting about Christmas. In Russia they celebrate Christmas on January 7th.

Today I was thinking about the variety of Religions in the World today, and I was trying to figure out what would make the (Ideal Religion). Here are my thoughts:

#1 No paid Clergy.

#2 Encourages their members to take part in Politics.

#3 Allows their members to decide who or what God is.

#4 Has a genuinely Ecumenical Approach.

#5 Gives Alms to the Poor.

#6 Has a decentralized Hierarchy.

#7 Teaches Ethical Concepts rather than Dogma.

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