Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New Developments

I attended the Washington County Executive Committee yesterday. There was a very positive development that our Chairman was able to share with us. It turned out that when our Chairman was watching over the Democratic Booth at the County Fair, that a Man (31 years old) approached him and said he didn't want to be a Republican anymore. This man was so disgusted by the War, and Mr. Bush destroying our Natural Environment, that he no longer wanted to be affiliated with the Republican Party. So of course our Chairman changed this fellows registration, so that he could be a Democrat! Well the good news doesn't stop there, since it turns out that this fellow (Todd B. Hohbein) is also going to be running for the City Council in Laverkin, Utah. Although that is a non-partisan race, it is good to know that a fellow Democrat is competing for that office.

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