Monday, January 31, 2005


We are taught to look out after #1, and then wonder why we have Enron's, and WorldCom's. Something isn't right when an executive makes 500 times as much as an ordinary worker. I am not opposed to Capitalism, but Avarice must have some limitations.

Here are some blogs that have impressed me: , .


milad said...

perhaps people still think that money=happiness. Why else would they possibly need that much of it?!

Kris said...

Obsessive greed is something I have never understood.

Alex S. said...

I got done watching the movie Anti-Trust a little bit ago. Definitely shows the potential excesses that may be brought by greed.

(Also a great movie aside from it's overt political values).

Kris said...

I have never heard of that Movie. Is it a Feature Film, or a Documentary?

Alex S. said...

It's a feature film, stars Ryan Phillippe and Tim Robbins. The plot is essentially that a large computer company is killing independant programmers so the company can use the program they created. Parallels to Microsoft are pretty common in the reviews, I think.

Kris said...

I will have to locate that movie, so I can watch it.